A memorial book
Terror Attack Place:
Kvish HaChof
Commemoration Site:
Lay a flower » |
On Saturday afternoon March 11th 1978 a group of eleven terrorists landed on Israel beache. In Maagan Michael they found a photographer, not knowing where they are they queried her, then they killed her and went to the nearby main road.
They stopped a taxi, took the passengers hostage and went to Tel Aviv with two terrorists. Then they stopped a bus that was returning from a trip and started going to Tel Aviv, during the drive they shot and threw grenades on bypassing cars killing four people.
Near Hadera the bus and taxi met and the taxi passengers were forced into the bus which continued southbound. The terrorists saw another bus and forced it to stop, its passengers were forced on the bus that continued going south.
Near Gelilot junction the police shot the bus tires and forced it to stop.
The terrorists exploded the bus while the passengers on board, the bus became a huge fire trap.
35 Children and adults were killed that day, tens were wounded.
The Hochman famiy, The mother Rivka and her two young boys Ilan 3 years old and Roee 6 years old were commemorated in this memorial book.
Canada remembers25/01/2008 Irwin Durbach irwindurbach@gmail.com